Mobile version of the online tool
Calculates and simulates the depth of field and background blur (bokeh) on a photo including perspective distorsions and diffraction effect. It also visualizes the DOF range.
You can choose from 4 ultra high resolution backgrounds, 8 models of different height and 10 kinds of bokeh.
Parameters that can be set:
- lens focal length
- aperture
- sensor/film size or camera model
- distance of the model and the background from the camera
The application calculates:
- depth of field range
- background blur size
- hiperfocal distance
- diffraction effects
All changes in parameters directly affect the preview - you can easily observe thieir insluence on the resulting photo. Saving the parameters sets on a list allows to directly compare the outcome of different equipment configurations.
Comprehensive help and a guide that presents all the features helps to undertstand the meaning of all presented parameters even for beginner amateurs of photography.